Hello, Hi, How are you?
Hello, my name is Zeba. Welcome to my newsletter. Let me tell you a little bit about myself: I was born In Ghana, raised in New Jersey, and now live in Brooklyn, NY. I have been writing film, television and cultural criticism for over 10 years. In 2013, I was the first person to tweet the hashtag #carefreeblackgirl (though I do not claim ownership of the hashtag, I don’t believe in “owning” concepts). Last year, my debut book of essays on Black women and pop culture, Carefree Black Girls, was released.
This newsletter is an extension of my book project. It’s also a place for me to think out loud, messily, honestly, candidly. If you sign up for my newsletter, you will get periodic essays from me - musings on life, love, mental health, Black womanhood, and the goings on in pop culture. Every new edition will go directly to your inbox, or will be linked on my Instagram page.
I will also be publishing additional cultural analysis/essays/spicy takes/podcasts and more personal observations exclusively for paid subscribers — it would mean a lot if you subscribed, if you’re in a position to do so. Whatever the case may be, I’m really glad you’re here.
With gratitude,